Dear Friends

We just got back from Togo. Florent and I went there to open up the cultural centre. We were so proud the students performed a fully professional musical, all self composed and performed live with band costume dance and acting. Tears prickled in my eyes when I saw them perform. It was truly a very emotional moment in our lives.

I was so proud of every single one of them, especially was I proud of florent: last year I would see florent at night, sitting on his computer, writing documents etc for the Togo project...I also took advantage to see the school ''les poussinets'' and good news the money three years ago we got together enabled a new roof. They have new rooms for more children and clean water... I was so pleased to see the children I took care of they have grown up so fast.

Now we are back and I am very excited about this new adventure with ''let's dance''. Like every girl, I am also unsure of myself however I have always wanted to learn standard dance and after not dancing since hairspray I really missed it. Everybody who knows me knows i love dancing but i don't know any steps so this is definitely going to be a new challenge. I started the rehearsals with Christian today and it felt so good its hard work demanding concentration and it hurts the ankles but it's wonderful. It makes me so happy..... I really enjoy every minute of it and I think people are going to see that i have a wonderful dance partner and we are already working on giving our best....

Since some time Josephine and Agnes are going to baby-ballet every week. They love it and look so cute. They show me their steps at home and so I really want them to learn how to experience movements as a celebration of life. Dancing was a very important thing in my mother's life she was a ballerina and taught little children. I am sure she is really proud I am doing this. I want to also be an example like she was for me to my girls that no matter how big small chubby or tall, we are all beautiful in our own way and must dance...My Dad was not a ballerina but he had the funniest clown dance that made us children roll on the floor with laughter.... so ja everybody has something special

I am dedicating the next weeks of visiting this dance school to My parents and to all of you out there that dream of dancing but just don't dare...please keep your fingers crossed for me

Love with kisses

Your Maite

Don't be astonished to get some newsletters more often now, I have put in my new year's list a new priority for 2011 and that is to write you all more often. I feel bad that last year I was so overwhelmed with work and kind of let you all a bit on side sorry for that all the more grateful i am you stuck with me